The Silent Killer: High Blood Pressure
According to the CDC, 1 in 3 US adults have high blood pressure, but only about half have it controlled. There are no symptoms, but high blood pressure, "hypertension," raises your risk for heart disease and stroke [1].
Easy to understand blood pressure animation by TED-Ed

Learn how to prevent high blood pressure with healthy living habits.
I hope you're starting to see how small lifestyle choices can have big impact on your health.
I enjoy writing this series, and I've gotten exciting feedback on its use. There's more to come next Wednesday! In the meantime, feel free to subscribe and forward to friends and family.
Workplace Wellness Wednesday is an awareness bulletin to help you make healthy lifestyle choices. It is not a substitute for your healthcare provider.
Centers for Disease Control. Blood Pressure: Make Control Your Goal Infographic. Accessed February 20, 2017