Flu Season is Back! Should you get the shot?
Can you guess how many flu cases we can prevent with 5% more vaccinations?

Eye-Saving Eclipse Tips That May Surprise You
You need more than sunglasses or your phone to see the solar eclipse Monday, August 21st! Get eye-saving health tips for the rare occasion

3-Song Walk to Wellness and More Energy
Are little things stressing you out? Visit my guest blog to read the benefits of a short walk and how to get started today!

What is a Vitamin?
What is a vitamin, anyway? Should you be taking one? Learn why vitamins and minerals are important to staying healthy

Live Longer by Sleeping More
Are you getting enough sleep? Read how getting 7+ hours nightly can protect your health!

6 Heart-saving Stress Reducers
Reducing stress can reduce your risk of heart disease and early death. See how it can be as easy as drinking more water!

What's a Carb?
You might've guessed that butter isn't a carb. Carbs are part of a balanced diet, but do you know how they might contribute to predi

9 Health Risks of Sitting
There are hundreds of schemes to lose weight fast, but the simplest is standing more. Learn about and start non-exercise activity today!

Is Smoking so Bad?
Knowing why people smoke is the first step to helping them quit. Learn motivations, risks, and ways to quit

5 Tips to Stop Prediabetes
5 simple steps YOU can take to lower your risk of prediabetes and diabetes